Mathew 28 18:20 “Then Jesus came to them and said, “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Therefore go and make disciples of all nations…


We are sending an Army of Missionaries into the world, everyday.
Illustration of a globe surrounded by paper cutout figures forming a circle.

Drawing inspiration from Matthew 28:19-20, our church is committed to sending forth prophets, apostles, teachers, and evangelists into the world, fulfilling the Great Commission entrusted to us by Jesus Himself. With a deep sense of purpose and conviction, we equip and commission these ministers to proclaim the Gospel, make disciples, and bring about transformation in every corner of society. As ambassadors of Christ, they carry His message of love, hope, and redemption to the ends of the earth, embodying the spirit of servanthood and obedience. Through their dedicated efforts, lives are touched, hearts are changed, and communities are impacted, as we continue to fulfil our mandate to make disciples of all nations.